
Inclusive secondary education

Most children can follow the lessons at school well enough. But not every child is the same. Some children need additional  support at school. Sometimes more is needed than the school can offer, and the child may have to go to another school in the region. This can be another regular school or a school for voortgezet speciaal onderwijs (vso: secondary special education).

Every child and every youth with support needs, should receive an education that suits them in the region where they live. That is called passend onderwijs (inclusive education). Schools must ensure that a child receives help at school, or receives help in a suitable other place. This is regulated by the zorgplicht (duty of care) passend onderwijs.

Additional information

Are you worried about the development of your child who is already attending secondary school?

If you are looking for advice on your child’s specific situation, you can ask your questions at school. If you want additional information or are looking for independent advice, the advisors at our Loket Passend Onderwijs will be happy to help. They offer independent advice (free of charge) on your rights, obligations and options to help clarify your situation and enable you to take the next step.

In the image below you can see all information about the educational levels: